Licenses and Permits

Environmentally Relevant Activity

Application for an Environmentally Relevant Activity (ERA)(PDF, 262KB)

Application to Surrender Environmentally Relevant Activity Licence(PDF, 153KB)

An ERA is an activity that is required to be approved by either Council or State Government due to its potential to damage or pollute the environment (air, land, water and noise). More information on ERA.

Personal Appearance Services

Application for Higher Risk Personal Appearance Services (PAS) Business(PDF, 336KB)

A licence is required for higher risk personal appearance services (eg. tattooing, piercing) provided as part of a business transaction. More information on PAS.

For further information contact Council's Environmental Health Officer on 1300 ISAACS (1300 472 227).

Liquor Licences and Permits

Council Endorsement is required for Form 7 (Application for a community liquor permit), Form 8 (Application for a new restricted liquor permit) and Form 15 (Application for renewal of a restricted liquor permit) applications prior to submission to the Office of Liquor and Gaming Regulation (OLGR). 

The process for seeking Council endorsement is outlined below:

  1. Complete all relevant sections of the application and provide all necessary attachments as requested.

  2. Permit applications must be signed by club and on occasions may require police endorsement. Note: Forms 7, 8 and 15 Applications must be signed by President or Secretary and, if required, by the local police, prior to submitting to Council.

  3. Submit the application to Council either by email to or submit the hard copy over the counter at your nearest office. Applications can also be mailed to the Chief Executive Officer by addressing to Isaac Regional Council, PO Box 97, Moranbah 4744. Please be mindful of potential delays in Council’s receipt of mailed applications.
  1. Council will review all eligible applications and if supported, endorse and where necessary give consent as the landowner. You will be notified, and the application will be returned.
  2. Following Council endorsement and consent, you are responsible for submitting the application to OLGR.

Do not submit payment to Council – application fees must be made directly to OLGR.

Applications should be made well in advance as trading without a licence or a permit could result in fines.

Please allow sufficient time for Council to review your application (minimum ten (10) business days).

Potable Water Carriers

More information on food safety including fact sheets, legislation, standards and guidelines.