


Koinmerburra Country is on Central Queensland’s picturesque coastline between Mackay and Rockhampton.  

This country is recognised as the ancestral lands of the Koinjmail Peoples. 

The region is characterised by unique geographical features where freshwater converges with saltwater, creating a diverse ecosystem of wetlands, saltwalter plains, mangroves and swamps. 

This distinctive landscape is called the Mixed Water Country. 

St Lawrence Wetlands Weekend serves as a platform for locals and guests to connect with the Country, exchange knowledge, and celebrate the beauty and richness of this land.  

Let us come together to honor and respect the deep spiritual connection that the Koinjmal Peoples have with their traditional lands. 

Sunset Cultural Experience 
Friday, 21 June 2024 

Join the Koinjmal Peoples of Koinmerburra Country and The Flackyard’s culinary wizard Nik Flack as they lift the veil on the region’s bush tucker secrets. Visit Sunset Cultural Experience - Isaac Regional Council for more information about this experience. 

Wetlands Regenerative Tree Planting 
Saturday, 22 June 2024 and Sunday, 23 June 2024 

The Koinjmal Peoples, traditional custodians of the St Lawrence wetland, are spearheading a 4ha regeneration program. Visitors are invited to participate in a tree-planting event during the Wetlands Weekend to learn about the plants of the wetlands by choosing and planting a seedling propagated from the wetlands themselves. Costa Georgiadis will also take part in this incredibly warming eco-experience. 

Freshwater Meets Saltwater Tour 
Saturday, 22 June 2024 

The St Lawrence wetlands are a highly unique environment at a local and national scale. Join Koinjmal Peoples, Isaac Regional Council, Reef Guardian Council and Costa Georgiadis on a guided walk to the where the freshwater meets the salt.  

Learn about the unique features of Koinmerburra Country's fresh and saltwater landscapes, some of the key plants and animals that live there including those to eat, and the processes that occur in wetlands that keep us all healthy.  

The Koinmerburra Aboriginal Corporation is collaborating with several partners on the Healing Mixed Water project. This includes Kuril and Currawong, University of Queensland, Conservation Volunteers Association, Sarina Landcare and Isaac Regional Council and the Queensland Government. This project is proudly funded by the Australian Government’s Reef Trust and the Great Barrier Reef Foundation.