Affordable Housing
Isaac Rental Affordability Scheme (IRAS)
Isaac Affordable Housing Trust (IAHT) currently has very limited affordable accommodation options in Clermont, Dysart and Moranbah under the Isaac Rental Affordability Scheme (IRAS).
Income earning eligibility changes
In 2014 IAHT reviewed the eligibility criteria and increased the income earning bracket by 20%.
This meant that even more singles, couples and families who live and work in Isaac, were eligible for affordable housing under the scheme.
Eligibility criteria
You must be able to demonstrate you meet the eligibility criteria and can provide all documentation for assessment when applying for a property under the scheme.
IRAS Eligibility c(PDF, 838KB)riteria(PDF, 838KB)
Application forms
IRAS is a social housing scheme available to any Isaac residents who meet the eligibility criteria.
Application form(PDF, 320KB)
Please note all applications are assessed in accordance with the IRAS scheme assessment criteria with applicants being notified of the outcome once assessment has been completed.
To find out more
Please contact Council on 1300 ISAACS (1300 472 227) or via email at to schedule a meeting or register your interest.
The Isaac Affordable Housing Trust (IAHT) acknowledge and thank Isaac Regional Council, BHP Billiton Mitsubishi Alliance (BMA) and Rio Tinto as a major funding partner in the delivery of affordable accommodation to residents in Isaac.