
What is it?

Salvinia molesta is a free-floating aquatic fern. One of several species of salvinia that occur naturally in America, Europe and Asia, it is the only salvinia species to become established in Queensland. It is also found in New South Wales and the Northern Territory.

Salvinia forms thick mats that can quickly cover water bodies. Infestations reduce water flow, degrade water quality, and affect native animals, stock, and recreational users.

What can we do about it?

Isaac Regional Council has been consulting with other Councils and Biosecurity Queensland to manage the recent expansion of Salvinia weed in St Lawrence and Clermont.

Salvinia is a widespread weed in Eastern Australia, its recent expansion is a concern and Council has been working with Biosecurity Queensland on disposal methods for tons of restricted weed under the Biosecurity Act 2015 to ensure our compliance and to reduce the risk of its spread to other waterways in the Isaac region.

For further information on this weed please see this link - Salvinia - Business Queensland