The Stock Route Network (SRN) is a gazetted thoroughfare of pasture, water sources and reserves for the grazing, walking, and camping of livestock under the Stock Route Management Act 2002. Camping refers to the camping/resting of stock and not domestic/recreational camping.
The network is primarily used by the pastoral industry:
- as an alternative to transporting stock by rail or road
- for pasture for emergency agistment
- for short term grazing.
Depending on their level of use and amount of supporting infrastructure, Stock Routes are categorized as Primary, Secondary and Inactive stock routes. Find out more information here.
Isaac Regional Council is responsible for the day-to-day management of the Stock Route Network within the Isaac region. This involves managing and monitoring pasture conditions, maintaining travelling stock facilities and controlling the movement and grazing of stock through the permit system. See Stock route management strategy 2021- 2025(PDF, 894KB).
Any unpermitted use of the Stock Route by livestock may incur a fine and result in livestock being seized under the Stock Route Management Act 2002.
Adjoining landowners are responsible for preventing their livestock from entering or using a part of the network without a permit. The construction of a stock proof fence at the boundary of the Stock Route is the best method of ensuring their livestock do not stray onto the Stock Route.
Download Isaac Stock Routes here(PDF, 7MB)
Download QLD Stock Routes here(PDF, 5MB)
Travelling stock on foot
When will you need a travel permit?
You must apply for a stock route travel permit to move stock on foot on:
You do not need to live in the local government area where the application is submitted.
How much does a travel permit cost?
How do I apply for a Travel permit?
The applications must be submitted 7 working days prior to the activity, and it is preferable to have applications lodge 28 days before the permit is required to allow Council officers to inspection the stock route to ensure there is sufficient pasture, water and facilities are available, to see weather stock can meet the minimum travel rate of 10km per day, impacts on road traffic and road safety. Applications received later than this may not be processed by the due date.
Certificate of Currency (with coverage of $20 Million of public liability insurance with the application. This certificate must include Local and State government as interested parties, as required by the State government.
Grazing of stock
When will you need a grazing (agistment) permit?
A stock route grazing (agistment) permit is required to agist stock on:
The purpose of the permit is to provide short-term relief while longer term strategies are put in place.
Who can apply for an agistment permit?
A person may apply for a stock route agistment permit for relevant land in Isaac region if,
They have stock route travel permits and the stock require grazing temporarily for branding, crutching, dipping, drenching, jetting, shearing or trucking.
To reduce the risk of fire on relevant land.
Grazing (agistment) permits issued for travelling stock are valid for a maximum of 7 days and cannot be renewed. Permits for non-travelling stock are issued for a maximum for 28 days and can be renewed once only.
How much does an agistment permit cost?
When deciding the fee, local government considers the:
Type of country and the stock to be grazed under the permit
Quality of pasture available for agistment
Accessibility of water at the agistment site
Proposed use of travelling stock facilities (including water facilities)
How do I apply for an Agistment permit?
Certificate of Currency (with coverage of $20 Million of public liability insurance with the application. This certificate must include Local and State government as interested parties, as required by the State government.
If travelling stock is leaving the stock route in the Isaac Regional Council area to cross into another Local Government area, then a travel permit application must be submitted to the next Local Government area at least 10 days before crossing the boundary.
The applicant is required to provide details of lot on plan number and name of all properties that stock will travel/graze through.
Using water facilities
What is a Water agreement?
A Water agreement is an agreement between the State of Queensland (Chief executive), a Local Government and a Landowner for one of following:
Water Travelling stock at the owners Water Facility.
Maintaining water Facility under local Government control.
Constructing or maintaining water facilities on the network or on the owner’s land.
At the Isaac Region, the Council is responsible for state-owned Stock Route Water Facilities that are located along the stock route network and primarily used to supply water to travelling stock. Types of water facilities are artesian bore, sub-artesian bore, dams, wells, etc.
How do I apply for a water facility permit?
To get information on the application process please contact us on 1300 ISAACS (1300 472 227).
Useful Forms
You are required to submit following documents along with permit applications forms
The following activities on the Stock Route Network are offences under the Stock Route Management Act 2002.
- To graze stock without an agistment permit
- To contravene a condition of a stock route agistment/ travel permit
- Damaging any travelling stock facility
- Wasting/polluting a water facility, taking water without an agreement
- Camping within 300m of water facility
- To obstruct the movement of travelling stock by building a fence, locking a gate, or using vehicles or animals to prevent stock movement, making noise to alarm stock
- Burn/ remove pasture without the consent of local government
- Placing an animal carcass or part of the carcass, a car body, old fencing, wire, or rope that is likely to harm, obstruct or interfere with travelling on the stock route network
- Not providing notice of entry to the owner before entering the reserve network
- Owner’s stock interfering with the travelling stock’s travel through or not allowing the travelling stock to travel through the network
If you are not satisfied with a local government decision regarding stock route permits, you can apply for a review of the decision through the Queensland Government website.
For further information please contact us on 1300 ISAACS (1300 472 227).