Roads and Drainage
At Isaac Regional Council we maintain 4,500kms of roads (sealed 2,400km, unsealed 2,100km).
That’s like driving from Moranbah to Perth!
Road infrastructure and maintenance represent a core service with a massive impact on safety, travel time, flood access, freight and business throughout our region.
Council owns a variety of assets which are a significant investment for the community, with a large majority of these assets being infrastructure assets such as roads, water and wastewater, which need to be maintained in a sustainable fashion to ensure the continued provision of services to the community.
We will continue to strongly advocate on behalf of our ratepayers for better allocation delivery of funding and better roads.
Helpful Links
For all the latest information on roads and road closures, conditions and roadworks on Isaac roads.
Isaac Region Disaster Dashboard
For road conditions and traffic alerts across the state
Road Register
The Isaac Regional Council Road Register provides an overview of the road network within the Isaac Regional Council area, including Council, State controlled and private roads.
The Road Register comprises of two parts, ‘Register of Roads’ and ‘Maps of Roads’ and it also states whether a road is maintained by Council.
Some of the key road attributes shown in the Road Register include:
- Road Number
- Road Name and Locality
- Road Lengths
- Road Surface Type
- Road Widths
Isaac Regional Council Road Register(PDF, 795KB)
If you require any further information with regards to our roads or our roads register, please contact our Customer Service Centre on 1300 ISAACS (1300 472 227).