Compliments or feedback
We are committed to delivering the most effective customer service experience for our customers.
Knowing when we are doing something well helps us to continue to achieve this goal.
Your feedback can help us deliver programs, projects and services that meet community expectations and support our efforts to drive greater customer satisfaction.
We’d love to hear about your experiences with:
- an event
- a service
- a staff member
- information provided to you
- our interaction with you
- the quality of our service or information provided
- the timeliness of our response
How to provide a compliment or feedback
If you have been pleased with your experience with Isaac Regional Council, there are a number of ways you can tell us.
- Use our online Compliments or Feedback Form (below)
- Phone us on 1300 ISAACS (1300 472 227)
- Email us at
- Write to us at PO Box 97, Moranbah QLD 4744
- Attend any of our Customer Services Centres
We'll review your compliment or feedback and use this information to further develop our customer service functions.
The form below is used for submitting compliments and feedback only. If you would like to report an issue or request a service
click here
Compliments or Feedback Online Form