Report an issue, request a service or make a complaint

Council values feedback from our residents and visitors. To report an issue or request a service you can use any one of the following methods:

  1. Fill in the online form below
  2. Use the Snap Send Solve app (instructions below)
  3. Phone us on 1300 ISAACS (1300 472 227)
  4. Email us at
  5. Write to us at PO Box 97, Moranbah QLD 4744
  6. Attend any of our Customer Services Centres

What is a Request for Service?

Any initial concerns you have, (known as a request for service), should be managed in the first instance by lodging a service request. This can be done by completing the online form below or by calling Council 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 1300 ISAACS (1300 472 227).

Request for Service or Reporting an Issue

Matters such as below are not administrative complaints and are commonly known as requests for service:

  • Animal management concerns (i.e. barking dogs)
  • Vegetation control
  • Potholes in the road
  • Collection of waste / missed services
  • Water issues

When a service request is not addressed within the adequate timeframe or has been inadequately addressed, the affected person can ask that the matter be escalated to an administrative action complaint.

General complaints

Process for making a complaint

A complainant may make a complaint in any of the following ways:

  • By telephone or in person to a Council officer

  • By email to  (subject – Complaint)

  • In writing (by letter, fax, or by completing Council’s complaint form, whether signed or unsigned), or

  • Via an authorised agent

All written and electronic complaints must be addressed to the CEO. The complainants name and contact details must be identified so Council can contact the complainant as required by the Act.

General Complaints Form(PDF, 160KB)
Complaints Management Procedures(PDF, 224KB)


Administrative Action Complaints

What is an administrative action complaint?

An administrative action complaint is a complaint that is about an administrative action of a local government made by an affected person.

To be an affected person you must be directly affected by the action of Council. Examples of administrative actions include:

  • Complaints regarding how a previous request has been handled by Council.
  • Requests to review a decision or action made by Council.
  • Complaints about the way a response has been provided by Council.
  • Complaints about a decision of Council or a Committee of Council.
  • Complaints about a failure to complete a request for service or provide a decision in the designated timeframes.
  • An administrative action complaint is not a request for information or request for service (see section above).
Process for making a complaint 

A complainant may make a complaint in any of the following ways:

  • By telephone or in person to a Council officer
  • By email to (subject – Complaint) 
  •  In writing (by letter, fax, or by completing Council’s complaint form, whether signed or unsigned), or
  •  Via an authorised agent

All written and electronic complaints must be addressed to the CEO. The complainants name and contact details must be identified so Council can contact the complainant as required by the Act.

Council manages all administrative action complaints as described in the policy below.  

Administration Action Complaints Form(PDF, 179KB)
Complaints Management Process Policy(PDF, 230KB)  

Information Privacy Complaints

If you believe that Council has not dealt with your personal information in accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009 (the IP Act), you may make a privacy complaint.

To lodge a privacy complaint, please submit an Information Privacy Complaint Form to:

The Chief Executive Officer
Isaac Regional Council
PO Box 97

Information Privacy Complaint Form(PDF, 236KB)  

Please note: Use of the form is optional, however, to assist our privacy officer in resolving your complaint, it is important that you include all the required information.

The IP Act provisions require Council to respond to your privacy complaint within 45 business days.  If you remain dissatisfied with Council's response, you may raise your privacy complaint with the Office of the Information Commissioner.  For more information of making privacy complaints, please refer to the Office of the Information Commissioner website.

See details on Council's Information Privacy Information here

Public Interest Disclosures

The Public Interest Disclosures Act 2010 (the Act) aims to ensure that government is open and accountable by providing protection for those who speak out about wrongdoing or in other words, make a public interest disclosure (PID).

PID is sometimes referred to as ‘whistleblowing'. Reporting suspected wrongdoing is vital to the integrity of the Queensland public sector. 

Isaac Regional Council is committed to the promotion of the public interest and encourages and supports genuine multiple PIDs of any wrongdoing within Council.

For a report of wrongdoing to be considered a PID, it must be:

a) A disclosure of information specified in the Act;
b) Made in the public interest; and
c) To an appropriate public sector entity.

Once considered, a PID will attract the protections under the Act

Making a Public Interest Disclosure

According to the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2010, members of the public are encouraged to make a PID regarding:

a) A substantial and specific danger to the health and safety of a person with a disability as defined in the Disability Services Act 1992;
b) A substantial and specific danger to the environment;
c) A reprisal taken against anybody as a result of a PID.

A reprisal is when a person causes, or attempts to conspire to cause detriment to another person because, or in the belief that, another person has made or may make a PID.

The public is encouraged to report all wrongdoing regarding Council, and where any disclosures are received which do not meet the PID requirements, will be considered through council's general complaints process or another appropriate avenue.

Making a Disclosure to the Proper Authority

To identify whether Council is the proper authority to make your report to, you need to consider who and what the report is about.  Council is only authorised to receive a PID where:

  • The disclosure is about the conduct of Council or its employees;
  • Council is responsible for the investigation of particular issues (e.g. matters referred from the Crime and Corruption Commission and/or Queensland Ombudsman).
Anonymous Public Interest Disclosures

Anonymous disclosures can be made, however to enable Council to effectively investigate and ensure appropriate support of the discloser, Council enourages all disclosers to identify themselves.  

If a Discloser chooses to remain anonymous, they are asked to provide as much information as possible in their disclosure, to enable a full and thorough investigation of the matter.

Please note that Council will be unable to inform anonymous disclosers of investigation outcomes.

Discloser Responsibilities

When making a PID you have a responsibility to:

  • Provide honest and accurate information.  Deliberately providing false or misleading information is an offence under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2010;
  • Provide all information currently in your possession.  You must not seek to investigate the matter yourself;
  • Make the disclosure to someone you reasonably believe is the proper authority to receive it.
How do I submit a Public Interest Disclosure?

Public Interest Disclosures should be submitted by:

  1. Emailing us at
  2. Writing to us at PO Box 97, Moranbah Qld 4744
  3. Attending any of our Customer Services Centres

Complaints about the conduct of a Councillor

Councillors are required to adhere to the Code of Conduct for Councillors in Queensland.

If you are unhappy with the conduct of an Isaac Regional Councillor, please submit your complaint in writing to the Chief Executive Officer or the Office of the Independent Assessor (OIA).

If, after assessing your complaint, it is determined that your complaint is:

Inappropriate Conduct: The matter will be referred to the Mayor to consider the appropriate action, which could result in a written reprimand. If it is a repeat of inappropriate conduct, the matter will be referred to the Department of Local Government as misconduct.

Misconduct: If the OIA assesses a complaint as suspected misconduct, the OIA will undertake an investigation into the complaint and both the complainant and the subject officer will be advised. During an investigation the complainant will receive an update every three months on the progress, unless the investigation is finalised earlier. At the end of the investigation, if the Independent Assessor reasonably suspects misconduct, the OIA will make an application for the matter to be heard by the Councillor Conduct Tribunal. The complainant and Councillor will be advised by the OIA if the complaint is referred to the Councillor Conduct Tribunal and will receive a decision notice from the tribunal at the conclusion of this process. The OIA can be contacted on 1300 620 722

Corrupt Conduct: The matter will be referred to the Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC) for review and, if required, investigation. Find out further information on the Crime and Corruption Commission website or phone 1800 061 611.

Another matter: The complaint will be dealt with in the appropriate manner.

More information about complaints about the conduct of a Councillor can be found on the Office of the Independent Assessor website.

Human Rights Complaints

The Queensland Human Rights Act 2019 commenced on 1 July 2019 with obligations for public entities, including Council, commencing in full on 1 January 2020.

Council is committed to protecting and promoting the 23 human rights by ensuring that they are at the forefont when making, interpreting and applying laws, developing policies, and providing services to our community.

What are Human Rights?

Human rights apply to all individuals and are based on principles of freedom, respect, equality and dignity. Human rights recognise the inherent value of each person, regardless of background, where we live, what we look like, what we think or what we believe. In other words, human rights belong to all people by virtue of being human.

Human Rights Complaints

If you wish to make a complaint regarding Council’s fulfillment of its obligations in relation to your human rights, you are encouraged to lodge a written complaint. 

Council will endeavour to respond to and resolve your complaint within 45 business days.

The Human Rights Act 2019 requires individual to firstly raise complaints directly with Council and then the individual may refer the matter to the Queensland Human Rights Commission if they are not satisfied with the response.

Please see the Queensland Human Rights Commission website for more information about human rights and human rights complaints.

Snap Send Solve App

 Use your smart phone to report an issue using Snap Send Solve


Visit Snap, Send Solve website

Snap Send Solve is the quick and easy method to report neighbourhood and asset related matters to Council.

Using an iPhone or Android app or web application, any member of the public can send feedback on items ranging from cracked pavements and dumped rubbish to water faults to Council. 

Report an issue, request a service, make a complaint, provide feedback or compliment- Online Form

This form is for reporting of non-urgent issues only

Forms submitted via this website are not monitored outside of business hours and should only be used for reporting of non-urgent issues.

For emergencies, urgent or hazardous issues (e.g. burst water or sewer mains, dog attacks) please phone 1300 ISAACS (1300 472 227). 

  Click here to view the form.