Accessing Council information

Council is committed to providing access to information it holds, unless on balance it is contrary to the public interest to provide that information.

How do I access information?

Documents held by Council may be accessed through a variety of mechanisms.  The most appropriate method of seeking access to information will depend on what type of information is sought.

Information of Council is commonly accessed through the following avenues:

Access and amend your Personal Information

If you are seeking access to documents limited to your own personal information, you can apply under the Information Privacy Act 2009.

The RTI Act and IP Act gives you the right to apply for documents that relate to you held by council. You are permitted to examine and have copies of these documents. You are also able to apply to have the documents concerning you amended if you believe they are inaccurate, incomplete, out of date or misleading.

For information on Information Privacy and how to access personal information and make an application for information, please refer to Right to Information website and Council's Information Privacy Plan(PDF, 168KB).

Applying for Access

If you are seeking access to documents that contain your own personal information, a certified copy of your identification must be provided with the application form or within 10 business days after submitting your application. This process helps Council to protect your personal information from being disclosed to persons other than yourself.

In some cases, amendments can be achieved administratively by:

  • Contacting Council to change your address
  • Contacting the relevant area of Council responsible for the information

If the information cannot be amended administratively, you will be required to make a formal request to amend your personal information.

If someone (including a legal representative) is acting on your behalf or as your agent, they must also provide evidence that they have authority to act on your behalf and also provide a certified copy of yours and their identification.

To amend your personal information please refer to Amendment Application.

Applications can be submitted to: 

The Chief Executive Officer
Isaac Regional Council
PO Box 97

or visit your nearest Council office, open Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm.

How long will it take?

The standard time for Council to process your application is 25 business days from the date we receive a valid application. However, this processing period can be extended in some circumstances. For further information download the Timeframes for Processing of Applications Fact Sheet(PDF, 24KB).

How much does it cost?

There are no application fees or other charges associated with viewing or amending your personal information. Council reserves the right to levy applications for the costs associated with reproducing records.

What if I do not agree with the response?

If you are not satisfied with any decision regarding your application to access or change your personal information, you have the right to ask for a review. Further information is contained in the Isaac Regional Council Rights of Review(PDF, 100KB).

Further information

For information on how to make an application for information, please refer to Office of Information Commissioner.

Administrative Access to Information

The Administrative Access to Information Scheme allows access to routine information through a streamlined process. It is an easier and quicker process than the formal Right to Information or Information Privacy application process.

Follow this link to download a copy of the Isaac Regional Council Administrative Access Scheme Fact Sheet(PDF, 44KB).

Anyone can apply for information however there is no guarantee that access will be given. In most cases, the Administrative Access Scheme is used by applicants who require access to their own personal information.

Information that may be accessed

Any information, as long as it is not exempt, may be accessed under the scheme. In some cases, Isaac Regional Council may blank out some information before providing it to protect people's privacy or to protect confidential information. Documents that you may be able to access include:

  • Those provided to us by you (e.g. correspondence, forms, etc)
  • Those provided to you by us (e.g. correspondence, notices etc)
  • Those that are publicly available
  • Those that we would normally make available (provision under legislation)

Applications for other documents will be considered on a case-by-case basis and will be determined in accordance with the availability, nature and sensitivity of the documents.

Through this website Council also makes available a variety of information that can be located and accessed by using the search tool located in the top right corner) including:

  • Community events
  • Media releases/public notices
  • Region maps
  • Social and economic data
  • Tenders and awarded contracts
  • Publicly notified development applications
  • Proposed Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP)
  • Facilities and Works projects
  • Community grants
  • Roads Register

Purchased information is also made available to the public for a fee. These documents are listed in Council’s Schedule of Fees and Charges and include:

  • Property searches
  • Building searches
  • Rates searches
  • Health and environment searches
  • Printed copies of:
  • Tenders
  • Minutes
  • Local Laws
  • Corporate and operational plans,
  • Annual report financial statements and budget
  • Community planner
Exempt information

Information that is exempt under this scheme includes:

  • Information that is prohibited from release under law
  • Information that would be a breach of the privacy principles
  • Information that compromises government or private interests
  • Information that would constitute a breach of statutory provisions
  • Information that would constitute a breach of contractual terms
  • Information that is exempt under the RTI and IP Acts
  • Information that would be a breach of copyright laws or intellectual property

There are no application fees or other charges associated with submitting an application for an administrative release of information. Council reserves the right to levy applications for the costs associated with reproducing or accessing records.

Fees for other routinely available documents are listed in Council’s Schedule of Fees and Charges.

For Administrative Access to information please contact Isaac Regional Council by the following methods:

Phone: 1300 ISAACS (1300 472 227)
Write to:
The Chief Executive Officer
Isaac Regional Council
PO Box 97
Fax: (07) 4941 8666
or visit your nearest Council office, open Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm. 

Publication Scheme

Our publication scheme describes and categorises information routinely available. It has been developed to give the community greater access to information held by Council.

All information and documents accessible via Council’s publication scheme are provided free of charge.

Available Information is grouped into the following seven information classes:

Information routinely made available through the Publication Scheme includes:

  • Council meeting agendas and minutes
  • Current and past budgets
  • Strategic, corporate, annual and organisational plans and associated reports
  • Council policies
  • Regional plans
  • Planning Schemes
  • Local Laws
  • RTI Disclosure Log
  • Fees and charges
  • Various registers

Note: Some of the documents on this site are currently only available in Portable Document Format (PDF). Should you be unable to read these documents please contact us. We will endeavour to meet all reasonable requests for an alternate hardcopy format of the document, including charging for costs incurred in producing copies in accordance with Council’s Schedule of Fees and Charges.

Lists and Registers

Information held in registers required by law and other lists and registers relating to the functions of Council includes:

Right to Information

If you are seeking access to information not limited to your own personal information that is not available in our Publication Scheme, Disclosure Log or by Administrative Access Schemes you should apply under the Right to Information Act 2009.

The Right to Information Act 2009 (RTI Act) aims to make more information available, provide equal access to information across all sectors of the community, and provide appropriate protection for individuals' privacy.

It is the government's intention that by proactively making information available, formal applications under the Right to Information Act will be made as a last resort.

The right to information gives you the right to access and amend information held by Council, unless, on balance, it is contrary to the public interest to give the access. Reasons that information may not be provided include (but are not limited to) information that is commercial-in-confidence, personal information of other people, budgetary information or legal advice.

Further information about Whole of Government policy and the relevant legislation is available from

Apply for information

If you are seeking access to information, not limited to your own personal information, that is not available in our Publication Scheme, Disclosure Log or by Administrative Access to Information Schemes you should apply under the Right to Information Act 2009.

For more information download the How to Apply for Information.pdf(PDF, 26KB)  

To access the application form click here.

Processing fees and charges

The Right to Information Act requires payment of an application fee, processing charges (where applicable) and access charges. Current fees for each can be found on the Office of the Information Commissioner Fees and Charges website page here.

An application fee for RTI cannot be waived, however if you have a valid healthcare card or concession card, written application can be made to have the processing and/or access charges waived.

For further information download the latest Isaac Regional Council RTI and IP Fees and Charges Fact Sheet(PDF, 154KB) .

How long will it take?

Timeframes for processing of applications are mandated by the Right to Information Act. For information on legislated timeframes, download the Timeframes for Processing of Applications Fact Sheet(PDF, 24KB).

What if I do not agree with the response?

If you are not satisfied with any decision regarding your application, you have the right to ask for a review. Further information is contained in the Isaac Regional Council Rights of Review Fact Sheet(PDF, 100KB).

To access Isaac Regional Council's Policies and Procedures on Right to Information visit Council's policy page.

Contact Isaac Regional Council for further information:

Phone: 1300 ISAACS (1300 472 227)
Write to:
The Chief Executive Officer
Isaac Regional Council
PO Box 97
Fax: (07) 4941 8666
or visit your nearest Council office, open Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm. 

Disclosure Log

Our disclosure log provides documents released in response to information requests made under the Right to Information Act 2009, where they do not contain the applicant’s personal information, or are otherwise unsuitable for publication according to legislation.

Right to Information Disclosure Log(PDF, 632KB)

 Where documents have been determined suitable for release, they are provided electronically in Portable Document Format (PDF). We will endeavour to meet all reasonable requests for an alternate hardcopy format of the document, including charging for costs incurred in producing copies in accordance with Council’s Schedule of Fees and Charges