1080 Wild dog and feral pig baiting program 2022_9AUG2022

Published on 09 August 2022


Isaac Regional Council would like to advise all eligible landholders that the second round of the baiting program for 2022 is scheduled as per the dates set out below.

Round 2 – Monday, 15 August 2022 to Friday, 9 September 2022

Please note that due to legislative and operational changes, the Queensland Government is phasing out their role in 1080 baiting. Plastic bags for injected meat are no longer being provided by the Queensland Government beyond the exhaustion of their remaining limited supply.

As of round 2, landholders must provide their own sealed containers or baits will not be able to be injected.

‘Doggone’ factory baits are available outside of these times, orders must be made in advance and delivery is approximately three weeks from order date.

To book a date or for further information about this program call Michelle Ross on 4846 3508 or 0428 875 840, or call Council’s Customer Service team available 24/7 on 1300 ISAACS (1300 472 227).  Alternatively, you may email liveability.sustainability@isaac.qld.gov.au


Chief Executive Officer 


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