Budget focused on community growth and service delivery

Published on 26 June 2024

Mayor Kelly Vea Vea hands down her first budget alongside the Councillors on 26 June 2024

About 97% of residential ratepayers will see an increase of $5 or less per week in their rates bill after the Isaac Regional Council handed down its 2024-2025 Budget today.

In Mayor Kelly Vea Vea’s first budget address this morning, the experienced councillor and community advocate highlighted that maintaining essential services and supporting growing communities are more important than ever as cost-of-living increases.

“We are committed to growing our communities and serving them better while placing a priority on things that matter to our residents, like roads, waste collection, and water security,” Mayor Vea Vea said.

Mayor Vea Vea said Council is not immune from the cost pressures facing many families across the region, with considerable increases in costs like electricity, insurance, and fuel.

“We’ve done our best to make sure that all of these increases have not been passed down to our hardworking ratepayers,” Mayor Vea Vea said.

"Although rural land valuations have risen significantly, the majority of our Isaac rural landowners will experience an increase in their rates of 5% or less."

“This budget we have focused on absorbing the cost pressures as best we can so that we can keep the rates increase to less than $5 a week for most of our residential ratepayers.”

Rates fund core operations such as 19 community facilities, eight aquatic facilities, eight water treatment plants, six wastewater treatment plants, nine waste management facilities, 99 parks and playgrounds, and 4,500 km of sealed and unsealed roads.

Visit https://www.isaac.qld.gov.au/annual-budget for more information on the Isaac Regional Council 2024-2025 Budget.



Isaac Regional Council Brand, Media and Communications Team on:             4846 3550


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