Free entry for Isaac residents, Clermont and Nebo Museum

Published on 29 March 2023


Isaac Regional Council are pleased to announce that entry to the Clermont Historical Centre and Historic Nebo Museum is now free for all Isaac residents.

To gain free entry please bring proof of residency such as a driver’s licence or your local library card.

Clermont Historical Centre will reopen from Wednesday, 29 March 2023.

Opening Hours:
Wednesday to Saturday.

Historic Nebo Museum is currently closed for renovations and is expected to reopen June 2023. 

Entry fees for non residents:
$6 adults, $4 concession, $3 children under 12 years
$15 family (2 adults and two or more children)

If you require further information please contact Council’s Customer Service Centre available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 1300 ISAACS (1300 472 227).


Chief Executive Officer



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