Honour, history and heritage uncovered at Coalface Art Gallery

Published on 10 April 2024

Anzac Day 2024 exhibition at the Coalface Art Gallery.png

Preserving the stories of bravery through collecting military memorabilia has been a long running passion for one Moranbah local, with an eclectic mix of the memorabilia back on display at the Coalface Art Gallery for the fourth year running.

Anzac Day 2024 is an exhibition curated by local military historian Dave Law, with assistance from the Moranbah RSL Sub-Branch.

Isaac Regional Council Mayor Kelly Vea Vea said the exhibition is a remarkable tribute to commemorate Australian and New Zealander brave soldiers and service women who put their lives on the line.

“What became known as the Anzac legend became an important part of the identity of Australia and New Zealand, shaping the ways in which they viewed both their past and their future,” Mayor Vea Vea said.

“It is a real credit to Dave for creating this tribute to honour the history and heritage from the battlefields.”

An array of servicemen and women uniforms will be on display, including the historical uniform worn by Corporal Daniel Keighran VC in the Battle of Derapet in the Tangi Valley, Oruzgan Province Afghanistan on 24 August 2010.

There have been 101 Victoria Crosses awarded to Australian Service personnel for acts of Gallantry, of these 101 there are only three known VC Action uniforms.

Some of the items were collected by Mr Law during visits to the battlefields of Gallipoli, the Western Front and Vietnam, or donated to him by ex-veterans to preserve their stories.

To honour the spirit of ANZAC, there will also be a selection of New Zealand Defence Force uniforms.

Mr Law’s interest in collecting and preserving military memorabilia was fostered by his family’s long history of military service during the two World Wars and the Korean War. 

“I am passionate about ensuring our youth understand the services rendered by our men and women in uniform during periods of conflict and during peacetime, and the debt we owe to those who paid the ultimate sacrifice,” Mr Law said.

The exhibition is supported by ESS Support Services Worldwide, BMA Non-Process Infrastructure, and A1 Insignia.

The Anzac Day 2024 exhibition will run from Thursday 28 March 2024 to Friday 3 May 2024 at the Coalface Art Gallery, Monday to Friday between 8.30am to 5pm.

The exhibition will be available for viewing following Anzac Day services on Thursday, 25 April 2024. Viewing times are between 6am and 7am, and between 11am and 12pm. The exhibition will also be open during the April Town Square Markets on Sunday, 28 April, between 8.30am and 11.30am.

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