Isaac Aquatic Facilities Closure For Winter Season Upgrades

Published on 22 April 2022


Isaac Regional Council wishes to advise communities of the following swimming pool closures for the winter period.

From closing time on Sunday, 24 April 2022, the following pools will be closed for the 2021-2022 season and reopened during early September 2022:


All coastal pools will be accessible as per normal arrangements.

Council is pleased to announce that shortly after the pool closures capital works programs will commence at:

Clermont – Changeroom refurbishment, the final stage of this work will be completed in the off season with the female changerooms receiving new fixtures, fittings, floor resealing and plumbing works to repair disabled toilets.

Middlemount – replacement of shade sails has been approved; removal has been scheduled for early May with new sails to be installed in June.

We take this opportunity to thank you for your patience and we look forward to your return during September.

Please take the opportunity to review the performance of the region’s swimming pools at

The Moranbah, Greg Cruickshank Aquatic Centre will remain open as contractors prepare the ground for the water park and toddler's pool refurbishment. For more information visit

If you require further information, please contact Council’s Customer Service Centre available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 1300 ISAACS (1300 472 227).

Chief Executive Officer


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