Major project impacts, social infrastructure and health on agenda

Published on 16 October 2023

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Isaac Regional Council will ask Queensland’s 76 local government areas to back a push to protect all community futures.

Health, major project impacts and social infrastructure will be on top of Council’s agenda at this week’s 127th Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) annual conference in Gladstone.

Mayor Anne Baker said Queensland Government action is needed to ensure regional communities continue to thrive.

“Local governments like ours are the backbone of regional Australian communities and we are asking Queensland’s 76 other councils to back our collective futures,” Mayor Baker said.

“This is our chance to shine the spotlight on serious challenges facing community futures.

“We are pushing for the LGAQ to call on the State Government to create a binding agreement between community and project proponents to ensure appropriate social investment is delivered.

“We need legislative reform on the major project approval process. No Queensland community should fight for their future like Glenden. This is about ensuring all impacts are appropriately consulted, considered, and regulated.

“We also want critical regional health service delivered. All levels of government should work together to immediately address the critical shortages in health service delivery being experienced. Regions like ours deserve access to health care like our city cousins. 

“The three issues we are taking to the conference will help determine the future liveability of regional communities and ensure the vital economic contribution of mining and farming to the Queensland economy.”

The Gladstone-staged conference is an opportunity for the Isaac region to help form policy positions and for the LGAQ, a representative for all Queensland councils, to advocate to federal and state governments for the betterment of the region.

The three motions are:

  • Social infrastructure framework for projects
  • Legislative reform of major project approval process
  • Critical regional health service delivery

Visit for more information on Isaac Regional Council’s motions.



Isaac Regional Council Brand, Media and Communications Team on: 4846 3550

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