Peakvale Road, Cleaner Road Runoff Project

Published on 08 November 2023


Isaac Regional Council in coordination with The Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) is currently working on the Great Barrier Reef Cleaner Road Runoff project. This project aims to improve understanding of fine sediment concentration and load from unsealed roads and their impact on water quality risks to the Great Barrier Reef. Isaac Regional Council is one of the five Councils in the Great Barrier Reef catchment participating in the study. Installation


After sampling the run off from the re-sheeting works on Wuthung Road with varied road treatments and drain designs, the data samplers are being now moved to Peakvale Road, Clermont. Data samplers (picture below) and a rain gauge will be installed in the next two weeks to measure rainfall and sediment loss from the road on a different soil type and road base material to Wuthung Road. These samples are sent away to Griffith University where the types and amounts of sediments are analysed. Council will visit the site regularly to collect data.

This project aims to inform development of a framework to enable road managers to better address erosion risk in the initial design and maintenance of unsealed roads. The project will have no additional impact to road users.

Visit for further information on this project.

If you require further information please contact Council’s Environmental & Sustainability Department on 1300 ISAACS (1300 472 227).

Chief Executive Officer


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