Re-energising Isaac communities at heart of 2021-22 Annual Report
Published on 29 November 2022
Working towards major social wellbeing improvements to those who live, work, and play in the Isaac has been a highlight post-COVID as the region prepares for transformational change.
Isaac Regional Council’s 2021-22 Annual Report shines a light on the local government investment in lifestyle and liveability initiatives for its communities.
Mayor Anne Baker said Council continues to make a crucial contribution to the societal and economic transformations that the Isaac region currently faces.
“Council has taken every opportunity to improve our way of life by enabling the community to enjoy local facilities and deliver services that help our regional communities embrace their aspirations for the future,” Mayor Baker said.
“We continue to be a strong and effective advocate on behalf of our residents. We are committed to delivering a future underpinned by social inclusivity and reliable economic security.
“As a team, we continue to look for opportunities and deliver projects, policies and initiatives designed to help give our communities the tools for a thriving future.”
CEO Jeff Stewart Harris PSM said the past 12 months’ challenges had truly tested Council.
“Our goal for 2021-22, which started and ended in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, was to not only weather the storm, but also help re-energise our communities through building stronger and resilient relationships,” Mr Stewart-Harris said.
“The organisation has provided transparent and quality decision-making, efficient and cost-effective service delivery while working alongside our communities, our businesses, our industries, First Nations Peoples, and all levels of government.”
The annual report is Council’s most comprehensive report to the community describing how the organisation met its objectives.
It documents the achievements and outcomes delivered during the 2021-22 period of the Corporate Plan, Isaac 2022.
Visit to view the 2021-22 Annual Report and previous publications or call 1300 ISAACS (1300 47 22 27).