St Lawrence Water Discolouration Update #2

Published on 03 January 2022





Isaac Regional Council’s local water treatment plant operators have been working hard to resolve some discolouration occurring in the water supply and wish to inform the community that they may experience discoloured water over the coming days.

The discolouration has occurred due to higher levels of manganese and iron in the raw water received at the water treatment plant. The change in raw water was caused by historically lower water levels in the St Lawrence Creek reserve.

The water level is 1.5m below the spillway of the St Lawrence Creek Weir, which supplies the local water treatment plant.

Isaac Regional Council advises St Lawrence residents that Level 3 water restrictions will come into effect from Monday, 3 January 2022.

For residential users

  • No watering on any day between 9am and 5pm
  • Watering permitted 5am to 9am and 5pm to 9pm on watering days (as below) using a:
  • Watering can or bucket

Watering Days

  • Odd numbered houses water on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday
  • Even numbered houses water on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
  • Properties without a street number on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday

Please note penalties may apply for not adhering to mandatory water restriction measures.

Commercial users

Watering permitted by way of an application for an exemption and subject to conditions when connected to the Potable Reticulation Network and using potable water


Mobile water tankers, other than tankers directly used for firefighting purposes, must not be filled with water from the water supply system except by way of exemption from Isaac Regional Council.

Filling must occur via a metered standpipe only used on designated watering days in the specific time period as per residential use. Applications for an exemption must describe use and volumes required. Exemption approval will be based on social, health, environmental or economic considerations.

Standpipes will not be accessible without an exemption from 3 January 2022.

Download an Application for Exemption for Mobile Water Tankers in Water Restrictions at

As part of our water continuity plan, we are looking to supplement the water in the reservoir to assist with processing the chemical imbalance in the raw water.

St Lawrence residents who are experiencing discolouration in their water are urged to call 1300 ISAACS (1300 472 227) so our local teams can continue to diagnose any issues in the network. Council is only able to action complaints that have been phoned through.

For more information about water restrictions, visit or call Council’s Customer Service Centre available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 1300 ISAACS (1300 472 227).

Mary-Anne Uren
Acting Chief Executive Officer


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