Sustainable irrigation extension Wastewater Treatment Plant Nebo

Published on 28 November 2022


Isaac Regional Council wishes to advise residents that works to the extension of a permanent recycled water irrigation system at the Nebo Wastewater Treatment Plant have been completed.

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The new irrigation system shown above as Zone B, is expected to be online by the end of this month to increase the sustainability of Council activities carried out on behalf of the Nebo community.

Signage has been installed to indicate that recycled water is being used for irrigation and is not suitable for contact or human consumption.

The irrigated area has an intentional buffer zone to prevent irrigation making contact with the property boundary.

There are three critical controls built into the irrigation system:

  • Prevention of over watering which could result in environmental harm to the area
  • No irrigation at times of high wind causing spray drift.
  • An intentional buffer zone to prevent irrigated recycled water spraying on or over the property boundary, to alleviate contact with people.

If you require further information please contact Council’s Customer Service Centre available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 1300 ISAACS (1300 472 227).

Chief Executive Officer 


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