Temporary Road Closure, Mills Avenue, Moranbah

Published on 13 January 2025


Isaac Regional Council and Woollam Constructions advise of a road closure of both eastbound lanes on Mills Avenue between Appleton Street and Griffin Street from:

6am on Monday, 20 January 2025 to 5pm on Saturday, 25 January 2025.

Traffic will be detoured via Griffin Street, Belyando Avenue, and Appleton Street. Access to Lawrence Street via eastbound lanes will be maintained.

Pedestrian access along Mills Avenue will also be closed during the specified time, with alternative routes marked. Local traffic will have access to nearby businesses and residences.

The closure is due to the installation of a new water main and other associated works as part of the Moranbah Community Centre Redevelopment Project.

Motorists should exercise caution along Batchelor Parade and follow any directional signage in place as traffic in the area increases.

The laneway between the community centre, Ted Rolfe Oval, and the C&K Kindy car park will remain closed to vehicles for the duration of the project.

Visit https://www.isaac.qld.gov.au/Facilities/Halls-and-Centres/Moranbah-Community-Centre for more information about the Moranbah Community Centre Redevelopment Project.

If you require further information, please email records@isaac.qld.gov.auor contact Council’s 

Customer Service Centre available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 1300 ISAACS (1300 472 227).

Chief Executive Officer

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