Temporary skip bin usage, Clermont Waste Management Facility

Published on 02 September 2024


Isaac Regional Council advises Clermont that temporary 15 cubic metre skip bins have been placed in the Resource Recovery Area (RRA) at the Clermont Waste Management Facility. These bins allow residents to dispose of waste without driving to the landfill face, evading any possible wet weather conditions.

The purpose of the skip bins is to allow customers to dispose of waste easily, avoiding muddy landfill.  There is no need to weigh vehicles both ways, Council will weigh the skip bins, which in turn will speed up visits.

This temporary setup will also help determine the final design and number of bins needed if Council is to progress from a landfill facility to a waste transfer station in the future. The placement and number of bins may change based on usage. Similar processes have been undertaken at other locations, such as Glenden.

If residents have difficulty using the skip bins, please inform Council staff upon arrival. Residential customers can still go to the landfill for direct disposal if needed, just ask Council staff and they will be happy to provide advice.

If you require further information, please contact Council’s Customer Service Centre available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on 1300 ISAACS (1300 472 227), or alternatively email records@isaac.qld.gov.au.

Chief Executive Officer


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