Update - Weighbridge Out of Service, Dysart Waste Management Facility

Published on 11 September 2023


Isaac Regional Council advises the community that the weighbridge at the Dysart Waste Management Facility is temporarily out of service, from today:

Tuesday, 5 September 2023

During the scheduled six (6) monthly service of the weighbridge at Dysart Waste Management facility, the contractor has identified an issue that will require a replacement part.

The weighbridge will be out of operation until the issue has been rectified. The contractors and replacement part are expected on site tomorrow, Tuesday 12 September and we will advise when the weighbridge is back in operation. The site will remain open however waste weights will be determined using the prescribed “deeming” method and charged accordingly in the meantime.

Council apologises for any inconvenience. Further updates will be provided as information becomes available.

For more information, visit Council’s website www.isaac.qld.gov.au or phone Council’s 24/7 Customer Service Centre on 1300 ISAACS (1300 472 227).

Chief Executive Officer

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