

What is Advocacy?

Advocacy is the process of influencing organisations and different levels of government to achieve better outcomes for the community.


Why is Advocacy important?

Council on its own doesn’t have the power or means to deliver all programs or infrastructure that are required to meet the community needs.

This may be because of limited funding impacting our ability to deliver larger infrastructure projects or it could be because the responsibility for a certain program, policy or piece of infrastructure rests with another level of government.

Through effective advocacy Council can obtain support or funding for these projects or policy positions.


How does Council advocate for the Isaac region?

  • Submissions to State and Federal Government
  • Representing the community by participating in Parliamentary Inquiries
  • Direct meetings and negotiations with State and Federal Ministers and policy makers
  • Campaigning during elections to secure funding and policy commitments
  • Engaging with the local State and Federal Members of Parliament on key issues and challenges facing our community
  • Public media and awareness campaigns highlighting council’s policy positions and key projects
  • Strategic partnerships with businesses
  • Regular engagement with key government departments (Transport and Main Roads, Queensland Health, Department of Education etc.)
  • Active involvement in peak industry bodies – Australian Local Government Association and Local Government Association of Queensland
  • Participating in strategic partnerships with appropriate organisations or associations - Australian Mining Cities Alliance, Queensland Beef Corridors, Road Accident Action Group, Mackay Isaac Tourism, Greater Whitsunday Alliance