Clermont Seniors Living Centre - Monash Lodge Precinct

We are proud to support this Belyando Enterprise Network Inc project and their vision for residents to enjoy their twilight years in their hometown.
Monash Lodge is a valuable aged care facility for the Clermont and wider community that was founded and only made available through the generous donations and contributions by the community.
The Seniors Living project is a social innovation model that could have far reaching benefits across regional Australia. Aged care is one of the nation’s biggest issues and here’s a solution for a small rural and regional community.
This project will create jobs during the construction phase, create more health and administrative roles but more importantly, keep residents in their hometown. The closest permanent aged care services in a non-hospital environment is either in Emerald or Mackay.
Canberra needs to understand that regional Australia has the ability to be creative, to apply fresh thinking, to find innovative solutions to help its residents remain in their hometowns in their twilight years.