More than Mining

Isaac Regional Council joined the proposed More than Mining policy reform after hearing the plight of small business owners and seeing the joint challenge faced by other resource communities.
More than Mining seeks to give small business the same Fringe Benefits Tax concession that mining companies get when providing their workers access to housing.
Currently, many local businesses are unable to attract workers when competing with mining companies offering higher wages and company subsided/provided housing. This policy seeks to give local business the same tax advantage, while not removing the existing benefits received by resource workers.
More than Mining will expand the existing 50% FBT exemption to 100% for individuals seeking housing in remote mining communities.
The increase in FBT concessions will make it easier financially for residents to live in mining towns and cities longer, slowing population churn and stabilising the demand for housing in the regions. This helps to normalise house prices and smooth out the boom-bust impacts on property values.

Learn more about the proposed policy reforms by clicking the here.