Publications and reports


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The 2024–2025 Budget was adopted by Isaac Regional Council on 26 June 2024.

Mayor’s message

From our mailboxes to our shopping trolleys, our interest rates continue to rise, and our groceries, petrol, insurance, and electricity bills increase. Council is not immune from the cost pressures facing many families across the region, with considerable increases to Council’s electricity, insurance, and fuel bills.

We’ve done our best to make sure that despite all of these increases we have not passed the full cost on to our hardworking ratepayers.

We’ve kept our increase to $5 a week or less for 97% of residential ratepayers.

Although rural land valuations have risen significantly, most of our Isaac rural landowners will experience an increase in their rates of 5% or less.

Councillors have worked closely with the executive leadership team to deliver a budget that ensures we live within our means while we grow together to serve better.

For the first time since the pandemic, we will deliver a record investment in roads with 45 percent of our $55.5 million capital works program dedicated to our vast network.

This is all about working to maintain key frontline services on which our communities rely and supporting our communities and their futures.

Councillors and officers look forward to working with the community to deliver this investment and to continue our support in maintaining key frontline services during these challenging times.

Mayor Kelly Vea Vea
Isaac Regional Council



Corporate Plans

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Councillors adopted the revised 2023-2028 Corporate Plan on Wednesday, 27 November 2024.

ISAAC_Revised-2023-2028-CorporatePlan_Res-No-8957_27NOV2024_LOW-RES.pdf(PDF, 2MB)

ISAAC_Revised-2023-2028-CorporatePlan_Res-No-8957_27NOV2024.pdf(PDF, 32MB)

The document ensures residents’ priorities help shape future development of the region.

This plan is Council’s leading document to inform how we intend to lead, plan and deliver community and Council priorities over the next five years and beyond.


ISAAC_5YearCorporatePlan_2017_2022.pdf(PDF, 8MB) 

Mackay-Isaac-and-Whitsunday-Regional-Plan.pdf(PDF, 6MB)

ISAAC_2021_Corporate_Plan___Report_Card.pdf(PDF, 453KB)

ISAAC_Organisational_Development_Plan.pdf(PDF, 956KB)

ISAAC_Organisational_Development_Plan_Final_Close_Out_Report.pdf(PDF, 3MB)

Annual Operational Plans

ISAAC-Annual-Operational-Plan-2024-2025.pdf(PDF, 7MB)


ISAAC_AnnualOperational-Plan-2023-2024_HIGH-RES.pdf(PDF, 14MB)
ISAAC-Annual-Operational-Plan-2023-2024-Quarterly-Reporting-1st-Quarter.pdf(PDF, 2MB)
ISAAC-Annual-Operational-Plan-2023-2024-Quarterly-Reporting-2nd-Quarter.pdf(PDF, 2MB)
ISAAC-Annual-Operation-Plan-2023-2024-Quarterly-Reporting-3rd-Quarter.pdf(PDF, 2MB)
ISAAC-Annual-Operational-Plan-2023-2024-Quarterly-Reporting-4th-Quarter.pdf(PDF, 2MB)

ISAAC_AnnualOperational_Plan_2022_2023.pdf(PDF, 3MB)
ISAAC_AnnualOperational_Plan_2022_2023_Quarterly_Reporting_1st_Quarter.pdf(PDF, 2MB)
ISAAC-Annual-Operational-Plan-2022-2023-Quarterly-Reporting-2nd-Quarter.pdf(PDF, 2MB)
ISAAC-Annual-Operational-Plan-2022-2023-Quarterly-Reporting-3rd-Quarter_1.pdf(PDF, 2MB)
ISAAC-Annual-Operational-Plan-2022-2023-Quarterly-Reporting-4th-Quarter_1.pdf(PDF, 2MB)

ISAAC_AnnualOperational_Plan_2021_2022.pdf(PDF, 2MB)
ISAAC_AnnualOperational_Plan_2021_2022_Quarterly_Reporting_1st_Quarter.pdf(PDF, 11MB)
ISAAC_AnnualOperational_Plan_2021_2022_Quarterly_Reporting_2nd_Quarter.pdf(PDF, 11MB)
ISAAC_AnnualOperational_Plan_2021_2022_Quarterly_Reporting_3rd_Quarter.pdf(PDF, 11MB)
ISAAC_AnnualOperational_Plan_2021_2022_Quarterly_Reporting_4th_Quarter.pdf(PDF, 11MB)

ISAAC_AnnualOperational-Plan-2020-2021.pdf(PDF, 2MB)
ISAAC_AnnualOperational_Plan_2020_2021_Quarterly_Reporting_1st_Quarter.pdf(PDF, 2MB)
ISAAC_AnnualOperational_Plan_2020_2021_Quarterly_Reporting_2nd_Quarter.pdf(PDF, 2MB)
ISAAC_AnnualOperational_Plan_2020_2021_Quarterly_Reporting_3rd_Quarter.pdf(PDF, 2MB)
ISAAC_AnnualOperational_Plan_2020_2021_Quarterly_Reporting_4th_Quarter.pdf(PDF, 2MB)

ISAAC_AnnualOperational-Plan-2019-2020.pdf(PDF, 2MB)
ISAAC_AnnualOperational_Plan_2019_2020_Quarterly_Reporting_1st_Quarter.pdf(PDF, 2MB)
ISAAC_AnnualOperational_Plan_2019_2020_Quarterly_Reporting_2nd_Quarter.pdf(PDF, 2MB)
ISAAC_AnnualOperational_Plan_2019_2020_Quarterly_Reporting_3rd_Quarter.pdf(PDF, 2MB)
ISAAC_AnnualOperational_Plan_2019_2020_Quarterly_Reporting_4th_Quarter.pdf(PDF, 3MB)

ISAAC_AnnualOperational_Plan_2018_2019.pdf(PDF, 3MB)
ISAAC_AnnualOperational_Plan_2018_2019_Quarterly_Reporting_1st_Quarter.pdf(PDF, 3MB)
ISAAC_AnnualOperational_Plan_2018_2019_Quarterly_Reporting_2nd_Quarter.pdf(PDF, 3MB)
ISAAC_AnnualOperational_Plan_2018_2019_Quarterly_Reporting_3rd_Quarter.pdf(PDF, 3MB)
ISAAC_AnnualOperational_Plan_2018_2019_Quarterly_Reporting_4th_Quarter.pdf(PDF, 1MB)

ISAAC_AnnualOperational_Plan_2017_2018.pdf(PDF, 5MB)
ISAAC_AnnualOperational_Plan_2017_2018_Quarterly_Reporting_1st_Quarter.pdf(PDF, 3MB)
ISAAC_AnnualOperational_Plan_2017_2018_Quarterly_Reporting_2nd_Quarter.pdf(PDF, 3MB)
ISAAC_AnnualOperational_Plan_2017_2018_Quarterly_Reporting_3rd_Quarter.pdf(PDF, 3MB)
ISAAC_AnnualOperational_Plan_2017_2018_Quarterly_Reporting_4th_Quarter.pdf(PDF, 3MB)

ISAAC_AnnualOperational_Plan_2016_2017.pdf(PDF, 3MB)
ISAAC_AnnualOperational_Plan_2016_2017_Quarterly_Reporting_1st_Quarter.pdf(PDF, 856KB)
ISAAC_AnnualOperational_Plan_2016_2017_Quarterly_Reporting_2nd_Quarter.pdf(PDF, 876KB)
ISAAC_AnnualOperational_Plan_2016_2017_Quarterly_Reporting_3rd_Quarter.pdf(PDF, 3MB)
(PDF, 3MB)

Annual Reports

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The Annual Report provides an overview of what the Council has delivered to the community in the last financial year. It highlights our accomplishments and how well we've been doing.

This report describes Council’s progress and performance over the 2023-2024 financial year against the objectives of the Annual Operational Plan, Budget and the priorities of the 5 Year Corporate Plan. This is our report card to the community, our achievements, setbacks, opportunities, future direction and highlights.

Annual Report snapshot(PDF, 4MB)

The purpose of the snapshot is to describe Council's activities during 2023–24 at a glance.

Download the full Annual Report

Isaac Regional Council Annual Report 2023-2024 - Full Document - 27 NOV 2024. PDF(PDF, 7MB)

Adopted by Council on Wednesday, 27 November 2024            
Resolution #8935

This report is designed to meet our obligations under section 182 of the Local Government Regulation 2012 and inform our stakeholders including residents, ratepayers, businesses, industry, employees, community groups and partnering government agencies. All care has been taken to ensure content is complete and accurate. However, Council does not guarantee it is without error.

Key sections of the Annual Report



Audited Financial Statements

Independent Auditor's Report

Council’s Annual Report contains a summary of our independently Audited Financial Statements with the full Independent Auditor’s Report.

Audited Financial Statements(PDF, 4MB)

Controlled entities of Council during the reporting period were Isaac Affordable Housing Trust (IAHT) and Moranbah Early Learning Centre (MELC). 

The Financial Statements for these entities for the year ended 30 June 2024 are available below:

Your feedback is welcome

Council hopes you find this report informative and useful and that you will assist us in improving the quality of our reports by providing us with feedback online via our compliments/feedbacks form or by contacting us.