CAID (Creative Arts In Dance) Dreamtime Dancers



Enjoy traditional Torres Strait Islander dances and contemporary performances by this inspiring troupe of young Mackay men and women who are joined by their founder, renowned dancer Patrick Thaiday, and by guest dancers Zeak Tass and Charlie Mallie.


Patrick-Thaiday.jpg Patrick Thaiday

Patrick Thaiday, a descendant of King Kebisu of Tudu, hails from Iama and is culturally adopted by the Yolngu People of Northeast Arnhem Land. After completing his education in Mackay, he joined Queensland Health to improve community health. Simultaneously, he pursued his passion for dance, performing at local events. His talent led him to NAISDA Dance College and later to the ‘Bangarra Dance Theatre’ as a principal artist. Patrick’s performances have been recognized globally, earning him prestigious awards. His work extends beyond performance, with a cultural residency at NAISDA, where he researched Yolngu traditions and directed the Morning Star show.

Click here for full bio(PDF, 318KB)

Zeak-Tass.jpg Zeak Tass

Zeak is an international sensation in the dance world, acclaimed for his work as a dancer and choreographer. His performances span a variety of genres, including Classical Ballet, Contemporary Dance, Jazz, and Tap. Zeak’s relentless pursuit of knowledge and unwavering passion for the arts fuel his commitment to continual growth in his craft. His journey in dance transcends performance, embodying the joy of learning and sharing the beauty of this art form with the world.

Click here for full bio(PDF, 1MB)


Charlie-Mallie.jpg Charlie Mallie

Charlie Mallie, a First Nations man with roots in Kuku-Yalanji, Gurambilbarra Wulgurukaba, Rotuma, Solomon Islands, Jamaica, and parts of the Torres Strait Islands, hails from Sarina, Queensland. His education at NAISDA, a prestigious Indigenous college in Sydney, paved the way for his illustrious career. He has performed with renowned groups like The Quinkin Dancers, House of Blackstar – Project Vogue, Centre for Australasian Theatre, Mira Mansell Collective, Tropical Arts Association, and Mirriki Performing Arts. Charlie’s life mission is to empower the next generation with self-confidence and a strong sense of cultural pride and identity.

Click here for full bio(PDF, 117KB)